Timothy Loyal Tingelstad


“The message of this book began to take form on a Saturday morning in November of 2003.  The snow was falling as I headed out for my morning walk.  My intent was to pray and   to meditate on scripture as I walked across the Mississippi River at its most northern point before flowing down to the Gulf of Mexico. My focus changed as these words formed in my mind, “Pray to your Father in heaven that He would let you carry the light of His truth to the highest court of the land.” I did not hear a voice with my ears. They simply came into my mind.  These words were different than other thoughts because they were not framed the way I frame my own thoughts and words.  I remember thinking to myself, is this the way the word of the Lord came to the Old Testament prophets?  Was God placing a call upon my life?

A short time later, I read the words of Psalm 43:3, “Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.” The words of this Psalm were very similar to the words that had formed in my mind earlier, and they confirmed my belief that I did not source these words.  I have accepted these words as God’s call upon my life to carry the light of His truth, the power of His Word, to the highest court of the land.


This call has given me a passion to study God’s Word, and to understand His story of the Nation of Israel, as well as His story of America.  As a lawyer, I have spent the last twenty-five years of my legal career as an Administrative Law Judge and Magistrate. At the time of this call in 2003, Minnesotans were being asked to give up their Constitutional right to elect our judges, and to replace judicial elections with a judicial selection commission.   It is never a good idea to give up our right to vote for our leaders, so I chose to educate the people about the importance of meaningful judicial elections by spending the next ten years carrying a message of the Rule of Law across Minnesota as I campaigned for a seat on the Minnesota Supreme Court.  This experience showed me how great a drift has taken place in the people’s understanding of both the Bible and our State and Federal Constitutions, and it prepared me to write the The Road to Righteousness in 2015.

In 2020 I wrote a Bible study titled, Anything less than Everything is Nothing, because I realized that most Christians today do not know the foundational story of God’s great salvation plan.  Without understanding His story of salvation, God’s people have drifted away from the call of Jesus to repent and enter the kingdom of heaven beginning today and continuing for all of eternity, and have replaced it with a call to Casual Christianity and a ticket to heaven when we die.  This second addition of The Road to Righteousness includes the study of God’s great salvation plan.   The Scripture passages contained in this book have the power to transform our culture one soul at a time, but only for those who choose to believe what we are reading rather than read what we already believe.